
Sunday, August 31, 2008

Blair Waldorf: Fashion Icon

In honor of Gossip Girl's premiere tomorrow night, I am reposting my Blair post from last fall. It doesn't include my favorite spring outfits but these were the ones that got me hooked!

Have a great holiday weekend everyone!

I love Blair's style more and more each week on "Gossip Girl." Unfortunately I can't always find the pieces for myself but here are my current favorite outfits/styles:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket this headband is ADORABLE

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LOVE the striped polo she's wearing

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this is the dress I REALLY want

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another view of the dress

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if only my school uniform could have been that cute

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AND the necklace I already had:
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  1. Hi Kate,
    Thanks for commenting on my new blog - it was such a thrill to have a comment when I woke up this morning! So you are coming to Australia next year for study? Are you coming to Brisbane??
    I was just saying to my friend yesterday about the gossip girl phenomenon and how all theses bloggers were talking about it - it's actually not on television in Australia yet so I am yet to find out what the hype is all about. I am loving the look of the Jack Wills stuff!

  2. Love it! She is so pretty-love her style!

  3. Her style is so great...I love the clothes she wears. GG is one of my favorite shows this season.


  4. Hi there! I absolutely love your blog- you have great fashion sense. I'm absolutely in love with Blair Waldorf as a fashion icon too, but I am definitely having trouble finding Blair-esque clothes at discount prices. =( Ahh well, such is life.

  5. Would you mind leaving the brands of the clothes and jewelry you link to? I love that anchor necklace, but I wouldn't even know where to start looking!!

  6. to you can purchase the anchor necklace by going to cwtv style, clicking on gg and then blair.

  7. anonymous- i'll try to post the brand/link more often. But sometimes the Gossip Girl outfits are hard to find. The necklace is by Alexis Bittar.

  8. im also looking for the anchor necklace everyone says its alexis bittar but i cant find it on her website. also when ever there is a link it goes to her website but not the item. is it possitble that you cant get it any more. i hope not!

    p.s. this is an awsome site, i love all your clothes. i showed my friend who has an even better fashion eye than me and she loved it!!! great job

  9. Anonymous- I had the necklace bookmarked and when I clicked on the bookmark it took me to the homepage too. I have a feeling that they aren't selling it anymore. I'll keep looking for you.

  10. That white high collared dress is far and away my favorite thing on the page. So prim, but a bit relaxed looking all the same. That anchor necklace is also SUPER cute, I'm so jealous you have it! Happy Sunday :)

  11. I didn't watch Gossip Girl last season but I just saw the first episode and I'm hooked! I can't believe I've been missing out. So excited about this season.

    Kate~ I can't wait for you to visit Swoozies in Manhattan Beach. You'll love it!

  12. I have heard nothing but great things about "Gossip Girl," so I'm planning on tuning in this season. They DO have gorgeous clothes!
    Love the necklace, by the way!

  13. I can't WAIT for the new season! So exciting!!!!!!

  14. I love that necklace! Where did you find it?

  15. If you don't know -- the high collared grey dress is by Marc Jacobs. It's so cute! But I think it might be sold out by now.

  16. I love Blairs BW necklace I found it at


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