
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I think I was lied to!

Maybe it's the season (I think we're between fall and winter?), maybe it was the timing but my highly anticipated shopping trip was a bust (mostly)! I did find the the Lacoste fleece I wanted (for 30% off!). I saw the cutest pink and green big pony polo at Ralph Lauren but it was $120 so that was a no-go. I've tried very hard not to compare the US and Oz or be one of those annoying travelers who thinks everything is better back home. BUT I must admit I was disppointed with this mall. I actually missed Old Navy! This weekend I am going to try some other shopping areas/malls that were recommended to me by some shopaholic Aussie girls in one of my classes.

The fleece is light pink with gray piping. The photos really don't do it justice!

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BTW, does anyone have a J.Crew coupon code (FS for any amount)??

PS- The party was so fun! Unfortunately my camera was lost during most of it (someone put their jacket on top of it) so I only got shots in the beginning. I'll post later this week.


  1. I know what you mean. When I was in Australia, I felt really disappointed in the malls. I decided that I would rather do the street shopping in Melbourne. When will you be coming back to the states???

  2. I have searched hi & low for fs codes...I think that they are cracking down on the sharing of the codes....if they would just be a bit more reasonable with the costs of the wouldn't be soooo can buy one sheer light weight top & they will charge you appx 15 in shipping.....soooo wrong!!!!....I hope that someone comes up with a code for you (and shares it! :) ha! ha! ) :)

  3. I found a free shipping one, but I cannot find it again to save my life. I just googled it and clicked on every link that came up. Happy searching!


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