
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Pretty in pink

Today, as my reward for submitting my 4 final essays, I went to see What Happens in Vegas (yes, it is still out in Australia!). It wasn't award winning or anything but I think Ashton Kutcher is hot so it was the perfect afternoon escape :)

I LOVED Cameron Diaz's outfits. Lots of cute dresses and skirts. My favorite was this Diane von Furstenberg (at least I think it is) pink dress:

Looked a lot like this dress from J.Crew (with the line across the chest- blanking on the term):

Also liked these outfits:

This Phillip Lim jacket was so cute!:


  1. That movie looks cute! I have heard it was pretty good! I love everything Cameron Diaz has on in those pics. Thanks for commenting on my blog. I just tagged you!:)

  2. I am somewhat obsessed with Cameron Diaz and I STILL haven't seen this movie!

  3. romantic comedies starring Ashton Kutcher tend to be good, he seems to have a knack for them... A Lot Like Love is another example


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