
Thursday, September 11, 2008

I bought this adorable Lilly elephant fabric from ebay to hang above my bed:

And this blazer but I am returning it because the arms are way too short:

Can anyone recommend a cute blazer? I am tall so it can't be cropped (those just look awkward-like I can't find clothes that fit). I'd prefer a dark color (black or navy). I would love a Ralph Lauren blazer but not exactly in my budget!

In other news I still haven't heard about my internship (that's the government for ya) so I have had a lot of time to babysit (I definitely need the money) and shop (definitely don't need to spend this money). One of my best friends from high school, N, is coming on MONDAY! Woohoo! I think DC will be a bit different from her college town (Santa Barbara) but I know she'll love it


  1. thanks for all of your sweet comments! can't wait to read more from you!

  2. You are the SHOPPING QUEEN! :)) (PS I am having my first giveawy so if you get a minute please stop by my blog again!)

  3. I am tall, have a very long torso and arms and the J Crew blazer I have fits perfectly. Goodluck!

  4. I'm tall too, well, I have long I always get talls @ J.CREW, except lately even those have felt short :(

  5. go for a j crew blazer. my sister is really tall, too, with long arms and it fits her beautifully. also try ann taylor because they might have something

  6. I ditto the j.crew blazer comments...not short but have a friend who is super tall and finds most of her clothes at j.crew.

  7. I don't have any blazer advice for you...and as you know, you're a bit taller than I am. ;)

    If I think of anything I'll let you know.

    This post made me miss SB. Have fun with your friend!

  8. I thought that blazer looked way too short on the's cute though for a smallish person.

    The "elefrance" fabric is one of my all time favorites.

  9. Here's a blazer from the new Ralph Lauren designed line, American Living for JC Penney - all the benefits of RL w/o the price tag:|55619|55637

    My guess is you could even remove the crest once the trend passes.

    Good Luck!

  10. I saw a bunch of blazers in Marshall's today. Didn't try any on because I was in a rush but the entire front section was full of fall work-wear.

  11. Love the blazer. I have a very similar one that my mommy found at Target. It's Isaac Mizrahi and fits wonderfully!


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