
Sunday, November 9, 2008


So much to update on!

Coldplay concert on Halloween, this past weekend's trip to the Outlets (J.Crew, RL, oh yes!), November plans and so much more! Stay tuned :)

Blog business:
I am updating my blog roll so please comment if you are a new reader and would like to be added. I am also working on adding coupons/codes on the side of the blog so check over there for more (Calista Cove is on there now) as I update


  1. I'm a new reader! I left a comment on your last post but just wanted to leave another. I might be making a trip to Atlanta on Tuesday for a Coldplay concert, if everything goes as planned!

  2. My brother in law said the Coldplay concert was awesome...hope you had fun!

  3. Semi-new reader...please add me :)

  4. I love your blog!I check it out everyday to see what new fun Gossip Girl posts you have. I would love to be added.


Thanks for stopping by! If you have a question please make sure to leave your email address in your comment.