
Friday, December 12, 2008


Today M came to visit me at work. I gave her a tour and we checked out possible Inauguration viewing spots. Yes, my office is RIGHT ON THE PARADE ROUTE! Apparently Secret Service has been coming in every night from 5pm to 2am to do whatever they do (not exactly clear but they have to check EVERY building on the route). I won't be back in the office until the week of January 12. I think I may actually miss that place. I have decided to take on a new internship at the end of January (no way am I giving up my Inauguration "in" until AFTER January 20). I am going from federal to state and let me just say the perks are much better at the federal level. However, I will now get to dress casually= I can wear my "uniform" of jeans and a polo!

I am finishing up my last paper and take home. So glad I will only be taking 12 credits next semester! I am leaving for Los Angeles Sunday. Definitely ready for some warmth ;)

Have a great weekend everyone!

Today's outfit:

Work2 by katej05

PS- I have decided I will start following blogs (I usually use google reader) so follow mine and I'll follow yours :)


  1. LOVE the outfit and I'm totally jeal that your office is right by the parade route! loves it!


  2. Great outfit Miss Kate... and the internship change will probably be good too... and definitely much more comfy!

    Hope you have fun this weekend, and a great trip home!


  3. I don't mean to be inappropriate but Google Reader and I are more than just intimate friends. It's addicting and you'll love it.

  4. You lucky duck! We've thought about going with the kids, and then we heard no stroller allowed. It's going to be madness.

  5. Where is that skirt from? It's awesome.

  6. I am soooo already a follower! Great outfit!!!!

  7. cute outfit. That's so cool your office is ON the parade route

  8. you're already in my Google Reader! I suck at commenting though, but know you're one of my favorites :-)

  9. I follow your blog too. I found you from ms. mindless' blog. I know her personally and I can see the similarities between you both. I am a Maryland blogger. You've been in my "favorite" reader subscription category for months now. ;-)

  10. What an adorable out! I LOVE the skirt and the bow clip! Though I can see the appeal of being able to wear jeans and polo to the office.

  11. Ooops, forgot to add, I'm in the DC area too. You are uber lucky to have an office on the Inaugural parade


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