
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Monogram your Herve too!

A lot of you commented on my Herve Chapelier bag that I got monogrammed. Here is your chance to get your own! A while back the amazing Kappa Prep posted about really cheap (but totally authentic) Herve bags on ebay (I bookmarked the post of course). Here is her post and the ebay seller: here. These bags are perfect to monogram! They are way less expensive so you won't feel guilty (1) spending money on the monogram or (2) buying multiple if you change your monogram in the future (for all you soon to be brides!)


  1. wow! they're so inexpensive, they're really authentic??

  2. Thanks!! You can never have to many boat totes!!

  3. Yup, that's where I got my Herve from. That exact seller! It's definitely authentic, and my bag is GORG.

    Wow, those are way cheaper than mine was though. I'm not an eBay queen like you, so how much do you think it will end up being when the bidding is over?

  4. I have purchased three from that seller! I got both my big school bags for 60 dollars each, and small ones for 30! Steal?! I think so!

  5. All my Herves on monogrammed too! It is the only way to go!! Glad you loves your and are putting it to good use!

  6. Thank you!!! this will be a perfect shower gift for my bff! And I might just HAVE to get one for myself too!! Love the pink one!

  7. I remember her post! I need to check this out asap!

  8. I'll have to check this out, I had forgotten all about Kappa Prep's post. I am usually too hesitant to buy anything on EBay for fear that they are fakes (especially Herve Chapelier as they are easy to copy), but if other bloggers have purchased from this buyer then maybe I will try it.

  9. Great tip! My mom has a monogram machine that she is just learning how to use and I'm wanting her to do a Longchamp for me, but she says she's too scared she'll mess it up. haha, oh well! I will have to check these out though!

  10. Thank you so much for posting this great find! I had a green Herve years ago, but I lost during one of my college moves. Now, I've just got to find a monogrammer here in Norfolk!

  11. UPDATE: I just won a lovely (large) Herve bag in Hopkins colors! Thank you again for the tip!


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