
Friday, June 12, 2009

Florence and Pisa

This was one of the more stressful days because we were docked in Livorno, which is a train ride away from Florence and Pisa. Because of long lines we didn't get to see Michelangelo's David at the Accademia Gallery (though we did see the replica in Piazza della Signoria). We did get to the Uffizi Gallery (no photos allowed though), which had some great pieces. Piazza del Duomo was gorgeous-I loved seeing Ghiberti's doors, Giotto's bell tower/Campanile, and Brunelleschi's dome (takes me back to AP Art History!). I really wish we could have spent more time in Florence. Next trip I guess!

On our train ride back to Livorno we stopped at the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Unfortunately my sister didn't quite get my photo right (see top left) but you get the idea (I am supposed to be holding it up)!


  1. Great pictures.. they look like post cards. LOl

  2. Florence I loved!!! sooo gorgeous.. we went to the Boboli gardens I think, gorg!!! and I never made it to Pisa.. did you take the touristy pic?? xxooo

  3. Great compilation of pics! (even if one of them should have been "portrait" instead of "landscape!"

  4. love your pics. Other than the tower, didn't you think Pisa was a disappointment?

  5. You must go back to Florence! I spent several weeks there and it still wasn't enough! So far it sounds like such a magical trip! I can't wait to see where else you headed!

  6. Thanks for being a follower of my blog! I left a tag for you!

  7. the achitecture is so amazing! nothing in the US even compares to that. our history just isn't "old" enough.

  8. The pictures are great and I love the leaning shot - very cute!

  9. Ah, fantastic photos. Yes, you must get back to Florence if you can. It's one of those parts of the world where you have to sit and soak up the sun (and wine) for a while.

    Enjoying these travel posts!

  10. Looking at all these is just delightful Miss Nautical, and they are also bringing back some great memories. Actually, we're thinking your sister did a pretty good job with the photo, you are clearly 'holding up your end' of things! (Bad. Just plain bad.)

    And the anchor shorts are too cute!

  11. I'm so glad you got to the Uffizi. It's amazing! And you did the typical touristy photo in Pisa, love it!

  12. Ahh... these photos just warm my heart. LOVE THEM.

  13. Oh, I love those places and have memories of my son posing like David. Uffizi was great--lots to see-- and the Piazza del Duomo unbelieveable. I should have asked you to pick up a few of my demitasse spoons on that walking street between the Uffizi and the Duomo--next trip! I have been looking at tickets to Venice all morning. Dreaming about Italy! You are a lucky girl!

  14. Love these photos. I think it looks like you're supposed to be holding the tower up.

    I want to go to Florence!!!


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