
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Birthday! part 1

The last two weeks have been crazy busy! So much to update you all on!

First, thank you for the birthday wishes, cards, and presents.

Here is what I got for my birthday:
From my dad and stepmom:
Kate Spade Gramercy Park Darla

My everyday wallet is huge (and heavy) so I am excited to have a night time/going out wallet that will hold just the basics!

I also got red Kate Spade tights to keep me warm under my fall and winter skirts/dresses.

From my mom:
Kate Spade All Wrapped Up bangle

From my sister:
Vineyard Vines pink polo that says Martha's Vineyard on the sleeve. She got it for me when she was there over Labor Day.

From C:
A set of green damask PJs from Bedhead

From N and D (and really M too): BUMPITS! I haven't worn them out yet but I can't wait to see how they look!

From Jules at Chic n Pink:
Pink and green anchor keyfob!

From Angela:
Anchor notecards from Crane & Co and Lilly Pulitzer Wink Perfume!

I am still waiting for my other sister's present to arrive along with some presents I bought myself (I am a shopaholic afterall!) so stay tuned for part 2


  1. love that bangle!! i think kate spade can do almost no wrong

  2. That bangle is sooo cute. I totally love it!!! xxxoo

  3. Love your mom and your dad presents!!

  4. My present for you hasn't come yet. I ordered it online. So you're waiting on that, too!

  5. Love your new loot!! Hope you had a fabulous birthday! = )

  6. Yay for presents! I love the new bangle and wallet. The perfume that Angela got you is so good...I love it all :)

  7. Sounds like it was a really lovely birthday! Enjoy your KS spoils and hoping this is your best year yet!

  8. Love the KS bangle! Happy belated birthday!

  9. What fun goodies! It's too bad you don't like Kate Spade ;-) Xo

  10. Your presents are so fun, the Kate Spade wallet is beautiful, and you already know how much we have been loving the bangle!

    Happy-Happy Birthday!

  11. Happy Birthday! You are a lucky girl, beautiful new gifts!!

  12. The Kate Spade All Wrapped Up bangle is sooooo you. Love it!

    Happy belated birthday!

  13. I hope you like the bumpits I am yet to figure it out right, if you can figure it out you should do a tutorial.

  14. Happiest belated birthday wishes. It looks like it was a great birthday!

  15. LOVE your birthday gifts. That wallet is so cute!

  16. I am so happy you hand a wonderful birthday!!! Those are great presents:)

  17. What wonderful presents! Hope your birthday was fantastic!

  18. Looks like a perfect birthday! xoxo


  19. Happy belated...sorry I missed it! :(
    Love the bangle!

  20. OMG I looove the all wrapped up bangle!! gorgeous!


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