
Sunday, October 18, 2009

Blog business

1. Due to those pesky Chinese symbol spammers I had to do word verification (just getting rid of anonymous comments wasn't enough). I hate word verification so I am really sorry but they spammed the blog 600 times!

2. You can now post anonymously again (since I now have word verification).

3. I would like some feedback on the blog. My 2 year blogging anniversary is coming up and I want to know what you like and don't like. Should I start Gossip Girl Monday again? What do you want me to post more of? What posts do you not like? You can leave your feedback anonymously if you would prefer.

4. Please vote for N's cat over here. Her cat's name in the contest is her nickname, Chocheese (long story), but her real name is actually Mia. Voting lasts until October 23.


  1. I love the Gossip Girl posts. I'm sure it's time consuming but I like it when you show pics of the best outfits on GG and where to find them.

  2. I am so sorry that you are having such issues with that stupid blog spam! I can imagine that it is quite irritating! As for your blog-aversary, Congrats! I personally love to read your blog. I love your giveaways, I love the theme of your blog.

    It might be fun to add the "anchor photo" of the week as a post rather than on the side bar. You could give some info about the place where the anchor was sighted and info about what the person was doing there. That might be a fun way to get to know your readers as well as share a cute post :)

    I would also like to hear more about you. Maybe a re-introduction post or something like that would be fun.

    Whatever you decide to do, I'm sure it will be fab. :)

  3. I'm so sorry about the spam! I've read the same thing on several blogs- that stinks! Do you have any idea what the spam said?

  4. The spam is so annoying!

    I love the GG posts!!!

  5. GG posts for sure!! lame of a response as this is...there is absolutely nothing I don't like about your blog :) One of my favorite daily reads!

  6. YES! Please bring back GG Monday's....I've been wondering where those were!

    I hate those chinese spammers...they got me too, but only about 20 times.

  7. Word verification=necessary evil.
    I want to hear more about you! This is a big transition time. Want to know how you are doing with it and hear about some adventures!

  8. I really love your blog as it is. I like that you talk about preppy shopping and introduce me to new sites. I like that you do a big of investigative reporting to find the designers behind great outfits. I like that you share your travels and adventures. And I like that everything has a sweet personal touch; you are clearly a humble, lovely girl (unlike, unfortunately, many bloggers). I like that your voice is out there, and is a strong one in the blogging community. Keep up the good work! I hope that if I'm ever in LA, I can meet up with you and Erica D. for tea and cupcakes!!!


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