
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Nautical Ornament of the Week: Martha Stewart

Jill took these photos earlier this month when she was at a Martha Stewart Craft Show in New York. Martha did a nautical Christmas tree!


  1. That tree is so cute!

  2. I heard Martha talking about the craft show on her own show and the lady that made some of the ornaments was on for a segment on how to do a DIY version. I think the tree looks very pretty and I love how sparkly the ornaments came out.

  3. Adorable! And p.s. Have you seen the January issue of Elle? There is a whole style section that is nautical themed. Needless to say, I thought of you!

  4. What a cute tree. I love all these great ideas.

  5. i have a ton of shells and sand dollars from FL that i dont know what to do with - what a great idea!!!

  6. I love that pink sea shell! so cute! I have a sand dollar ornament that is one of my favorites.

  7. I have a tree just like that on our porch. Glitter encrusted seashells and all!

  8. TOO cute! Love the jellyfish ornament the best; the tinsel is so festive!


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