
Monday, February 7, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday, H!

Happy 1st birthday to my favorite little man!!!

I don't know how this year has flown by so quickly! Taking care of you doesn't feel like a job at all. Your parents are the best. I really should write a whole post about how much I love them but that isn't as fun and it is YOUR birthday. We've had our fair share of adventures (Yosemite, our sketchy blind playdate that didn't work out, that time I fell in a hole while I was carrying you) and I look forward to many many more (maybe without the falls and accidents)! I'm so lucky you are happy, affectionate, independent, curious, musical, etc etc (basically all around amazing baby).

It seems like just yesterday you were this teeny tiny:

***this photo is so unflattering of me I had to draw a heart over my face, haha. I didn't realize I was in the photo (thought it was just of H) so WAY too closeup!

Now you are walking, talking, pointing at everything and everyone, and just generally being crazy (and I LOVE it)!

Happy Birthday, buddy!


  1. Awe.. Happy Birthday to H!! :)

  2. Awwww...happy birthday to H for sure!! I'm babysitting my 2 favorite little people on Wednesday evening and I can't wait :) They just grow up so darn fast!

  3. Aww, so sweet! Happy birthday to him.


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