
Friday, August 26, 2011

What I Wear to Work

I've had a couple of readers email me and ask what I wear to work as a nanny. There are a few very different opinions on what nannies should wear (uniform vs. no uniform, sweatpants vs. jeans or khakis, etc). I think it depends on your job (how old the kids are, what the family is like, etc). Some nannies have to wear a uniform (an actual uniform or something like khakis and a polo). I would never wear a skirt or dress (possibly with leggings under but doubtful). I don't feel comfortable in a tank top or anything too revealing (you'd be surprised at what you see at the park sometimes!). I think comfort is most important. I spend so much time playing around on the floor with H, walking, running, etc. I don't want to worry that I'm flashing someone going down the slide! I also understand that being a nanny is a JOB and there should still be some sort of professionalism in the way you dress and represent the family (does that make sense?). I think I would dress differently if I was looking after older kids. I'd probably wear ballet flats, jeans, and a polo.

Here's what I usually wear:
Summer/warmer weather: J.Crew (or similar) 5 inch shorts and a polo shirt (Lands End ruffle neck, Lilly P or Vineyard Vines). I usually wear my running shoes since I do quite a bit of walking. If we're going to be out and about I might wear flip flops instead.
The rest of the year: Lululemon pants, jeans or cords (if it's cooler out). Polo shirt (same as above). Hoodie (I love ones from Old Navy, J.Crew and Vineyard Vines). I love Lululemon pants. I know some people think they look too unprofessional or like sweatpants. But I think they still look put together but casual.


I know I have a few readers that are (or were) nannies. What do you think is appropriate? If you have a nanny, do you have a dress code for her? I'm curious!


  1. When I nannies, I wore lots of Nike Tempo shorts!! Always ready to play, or go on an outing, a walk/run perhaps?

  2. I often joke that Lululemon pants/crops with a shape jacket is my "mom uniform" during the school year, works well for running errands and volunteering at school. You need to be comfortable when you're working with kids!

  3. You can never go wrong with a polo shirt!

  4. I think this sounds very professional! Lululemon pants are so flattering and they definitely don't look slouchy! You always look so cute anyway so you can't go wrong!

  5. Everything sounds like a thoughtful and professional choice. Lululemon pants are highly functional and definitely a big step up from sweats.

  6. Sounds like you get to dress pretty fun for your job! Can't go wrong with J. Crew chino shorts. :)

  7. Same as Sweet Southern Prep and Preppy Sue- I am in my Nike Tempo shorts in the summer, and a T-shirt with a sportsbra (always running chasing children!) and Lululemons and a t-shirt on chillier days!

    I'm glad you posted this because I start my stint as an Au Pair in 2 weeks and I hadn't even thought about what I'd wear!


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