
Monday, September 26, 2011

Gossip Girl: Blair's fashion in season 5

I still love Gossip Girl. Yes, Serena annoys me and I want to scream at the TV during certain dumb plots (basically anything involving Juliet and Charlie-I hope they are gone). But Blair makes the show. Her wardrobe, her dialog, her chemistry with Chuck (I even liked her with Dan) she is the best part of Gossip Girl!

Previews of Blair's outfits from this coming season:






Do you still watch Gossip Girl? Will you watch Hart of Dixie after?

Both shows premiere tonight starting at 8 PM on the CW


  1. Serena kills me. She's so annoying. Blair is definatelty the only reason I care. And I saw the pilot of Hart of Dixie! Its super cute - I'm so excited for Rachel Bilson to make her comeback to tv drama.


  2. I agree...Blair makes the show! I still watch GG, but definitely not to the extent I used to. I am excited for this season, but will probably just watch it online a few days after the premiere. I can't wait to watch Heart of Dixie as well!!

  3. I love Blair's fashion! I can't wait to catch a few of the episodes. Although I'm definitely not as die-hard about watching it as I was at the beginning.

  4. This post makes me SO excited for tonight's premiere! I am SO glad you are with me on disliking serena thing... I love blaire (in real life too) way more!!

  5. I posted some Blair-inspired outfits on my blog today.... she alone is why I continue to watch the show (... ok and Chuck!!)

  6. YES to all of this - especially a mutual disdain of Serena! Basically I adore all the guys (though Dan can be a little self pitying), and only like Blair for female characters. Also, can Vanessa please just go away forever? She's gross and her plot points suck.
    I swear, if anyone was to look at my DVR, they'd think that I was a 13 year old girl, but I have no shame in that :) Loving the premiere of GG (watching now and writing this during a commercial break!). The fashion definitely makes the show - can't wait to see what they all wear! xo

  7. I haven't really watched it since season 1! I was a fan of the books, so it kind of kills me. Blair's style is adorable, though. :)

  8. omg i LOVE Gossip Girl and Blair is def my favorite :) and i'm watching Hart of Dixie and it's pretty ok so far. I'll give it a shot.
    Love your blog!!

  9. I love love love GG... and I totally agree that Blair is the one pulling the audience!

  10. Ok so don't kill me but..I just started watching GG! I get the discs from Netflix, and because I couldn't stand only getting one disc at a time, I upped my account to 2 discs - JUST so I could watch more Gossip Girl! LOL! I am so obsessed!


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