
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Blog Business

Today is the day that many blogs will lose the Google Friend Connect feature. This is how I follow most blogs (and then read in Google Reader). What a pain!

I thought I would write a post about ways that you can stay up to date with Nautical by Nature. I am losing track of all the different social media available right now. Yikes! Here's where you can find blog updates:

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I also wanted to talk about photo editing software. I want to be able to make custom graphics for giveaways and special/weekly features like I see on other blogs but I don't want to pay for something expensive like Photoshop. I don't need anything fancy-I just want to be able to put some text over a photo and have it look more professional than Paint. What do you use?
ETA: I already use Picasa for editing photos I take on my camera. I think I need something with a few more options though (like a MUCH easier alternative to Adobe Illustrator)


  1. I've used Picasa ever since it came out! nothing but raves from headers are made with my photos, then I simply use the text tool to write whatever I choose.Picasa is so user friendly..and best of all, it is FREE.
    Warmest hugs..

  2. Definitely Gimp! It's a free photoshop knockoff shareware that rocks.

  3. If you hear of a good one let me know. I am the same one. I want something like photoshop, but I do not want to pay a ton of money for it.

  4. gimp is definitely the best. it's a touch complicated, but is basically photoshop without the insane price tag.

  5. I use Picasa all the time, and I highly recommend it also. I also have recently started using Picnik. While that service is going away in April (something about it becoming integrated with google), until then I would highly recommend it! In my view, it has more options than Picasa for adding text and graphics on top of photos. Good luck!

  6. Kate! I use a FANTASTIC screen capture and photo editing tool made by TechSmith called Snagit! It's for PC and Mac and only costs $49.95. It can overlay text onto photos like you say, and so many more effects like cropping, cut-outs, callouts, blurring for sensitive information, etc. Here's the link to the page, check it out!

  7. I just did a how-to post on how I make my graphics. I use gimp and then digital papers!

  8. GFC is only going away from non-blogger blogs, such as wordpress etc! No need to worry! XO

  9. I like PS Elements. Not very expensive and you can easily do what you want in it. I've also heard Lightroom is easy to use with good results. I have it but have yet to install it.


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