
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Spring Break Outfit Ideas

I miss school vacations. I really do! Next week H's grandma is in town so I won't be working my full hours (after H's week of early morning waking and short naps I welcome the extra help!). But it definitely won't be a traditional spring break! My sister is due Sunday (ahh Baby Nautical could make his appearance any day now) and I am moving next weekend so things are slightly crazy around here! I have been doing a lot of online browsing (and some shopping) because there are just too many nautical styles out right now! I can't resist! Perfect timing because the Friday's Fancies theme for this week is SPRING BREAK! Here is what I would pack if I were jetting off on a spring break trip to somewhere warm and beachy. I went with a pink and navy theme.

Spring Break!


  1. i miss spring break too. stinks getting older! ha love your looks :]

    xx :: ashlyn
    let it be beautiful

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. We'll pretend we're on spring break this weekend ;)

  4. Gah, I LOVE all of this navy stuff! It's one of my favorite colors to wear!

  5. i love all things nautical... i particularly love the striped top you've picked out with the little sailing boats... very cute! xx

  6. Ah so many cute picks, love that darling pink dress!!

  7. Love those light pink jeans, and I have been lusting over a striped Cassie dress, but have an older one that may be a little too similar.

  8. I love all of your picks! You had me at "nautical." :) We're now happily following your blog.

    We had fun "packing" for Spring Break too! Now we just want to know when our flight leaves?!? Haha!

    Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  9. I cannot wait for spring break!! Cute outfit ideas. :)

  10. awww I love all the cute outfit inspiration! Soo fabulous!!! And yayyy a new baby coming soon?!?!?! My cousin is due in April & I can't wait!!!

    Hope you have a fun weekend!
    Nicole Rene


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