
Monday, August 13, 2012

Weekend Recap: Getty Villa & C.Wonder

This was a very busy weekend! Friday night I was supposed to go to dinner with a friend but she had to cancel so I stayed over at my sister's. I will take any extra time I can get with Baby Nautical! There was actually a small plane crash pretty close to my apartment so staying at my sister's was the best way to avoid traffic too.

Saturday I met up with Leeann, Lauren, and Meg at the Getty Villa in Malibu. I hadn't been since it reopened so I was excited to finally check it out (years later)!

Lauren, Meg, Leeann, me

The weather was PERFECT, the grounds are gorgeous, and you can't beat an ocean view!

The girls doing a craft: we made our own mummies!

Our finished mummies! We still need to paint/decorate

Sunday my dc sister (who is here for a month) and I went to Fashion Island in Newport Beach to check out the newly opened C. Wonder. Seriously amazing store!! I could have spent hours browsing! They will monogram any of their clothing/accessories that you buy in store. I got a cardigan and oxford monogrammed. I'll be posting more about those when I pick them up.

I also popped into Vineyard Vines and found the cutest whale cutting board!

Today I am back at work after almost two weeks of vacation. Always tough to get back into the routine but I missed my little guy!

Linking up with Leeann for the Weekend Update!


  1. Sounds like a fun weekend. C Wonder has so many fantastic items.

  2. I just recently heard about C. Wonder and am now obsessed!! Its a great store! I would love to go to one. Looks like you had shopping success :)

    -Rachel @ A Preppy State of Mind

  3. Sounds like FUN! I have only been to C. Wonder once! xx

  4. I am so jealous of your trip to Getty Villa (beautiful!) and C.Wonder. I've never been to C.Wonder but hope to soon!

  5. love checking out new shops! sounds like a fun weekend :)

  6. I've been to the C Wonder store in New York, it was the #1 thing I wanted to do the last time I was there in March. If the new store in SoCal is anything like the one in SOHO it's gotta be amazing! They're also building one out at Tyson's Corner mall, I think it opens in the fall.
    Glad you finally got to the Villa! It's such a pretty place!

  7. Glad you got the extra baby time on Friday! I have a C. Wonder store right near me but have only ever window shopped it. I keep meaning to head back.

    Have a marvolous Monday with H.!

  8. Oooh looks like such a fun weekend for you! So happy you had a much needed long vaca break. And I love your header. Perhaps it's been a while but I am just noticing it today. So cute!


  9. SO glad you could join us! It was fun and I can't wait to paint our mummies ;)

    Damn you look good in that photo, who took it? Oh yeah, me! I am your designated pic taker from now on!

    And I need to get to that store! Blogger meetup in the OC next time?

    Thanks for linking up!

  10. You girls really had fun. :) Those mummies look too funny, and yes, they need some decoration. So need to head over to Fashion Island now - I love C. Wonder.

  11. it was great meeting you kate after hearing so many great things about you from leeann!! hope you enjoyed your two week vacation

  12. What a fun blogger date! You girls all look so cute and so do your mummy's ;) Thanks for linking up with us!

  13. Looks gorgeous at Getty Villa! And C. Wonder is officially my weakness, haha.

  14. We've been wanting to get to the Getty Villa, it looks so pretty! Also, I'm obsessed with C. Wonder! I love their cuff bracelets!

  15. I can't wait to see your new duds. C. Wonder is coming to Tysons Corner this fall and I'm excited to shop.

  16. It looks like you guys had such a fun time! I love blogger meetups! And I love your mummies!

    Stopping by (a little late) from the linkup! :)
    Christina at Easily Entertained

  17. Wow, the Getty Villa looks gorgeous! What a fun weekend. :)


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