
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Anything Goes! plus nautical Christmas tree

Right before Christmas I went to see Anything Goes downtown at the Ahmanson Theatre (if you are local, the show is playing until January 6 so hurry!). I think Anything Goes might be the most nautical musical there is! The majority of the musical is set on a ship!

Here are some photos from the official website:

I think I was smiling and clapping along the whole show! The songs are fun and the dance numbers are so entertaining. I really wish I knew how to tap dance!

In the theater lobby there was a huge nautical Christmas tree (it was so big that I couldn't get a shot of the whole thing)!

A and I have a tradition of going to musicals together during the holidays. Last year we saw Wicked together

Have you seen Anything Goes?


  1. Such a pretty tree, and no I have never seen that!

    xx Emily @

  2. I saw Anything Goes while in NYC last year! It was simply adorable with the costumes and the setting. The music was so enjoyable as well. What made it even better, the main actress that played Reno, Sutton Foster, was from my hometown :)


    1. I would have loved to see it with Sutton Foster! The woman that played Reno here was great but I heard Sutton is amazing live!

  3. Anything Goes sounds like a great show! Love the tree and your pretty white bow dress :)

  4. Oh how fun!! I love that tree!

    Love and Hugs,
    Mrs. Kindergarten...aka...Madame Spoiled

  5. The tree looks amazing! I need to take advantage of more things in LA, I am always so blah about going up there, but I miss out on so many good things! :)

    1. I am guilty of the same thing: sticking to the same neighborhoods, same restaurants. It's a new year so we need to get out and explore!

  6. I loooooooove Anything Goes! I just saw it this fall. ;)


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