
Monday, January 21, 2013

My Inauguration Experience 4 Years Ago

I thought it would be fun to repost the photos I shared 4 years ago (seems like just yesterday!). At the time I was interning at the federal courthouse (Prettyman Courthouse) which was right on the parade route. I, along with 3 friends, slept overnight in the cafeteria to secure our amazing (inside) viewing spot. It was especially cold that year so we were very lucky to be inside. It was an experience I will never forget!

Here's what I wrote 4 years ago!

And so it begins (I think these first few photos were taken around 1 AM)
I took this photo from the street (looking inside at K and M):

One of my favorite photos (do you see the Capitol in the background??):


J trying to sleep in the cafeteria:

8 AM the crowds start pouring in!

Gosh it was nice being all warm inside ;)

This is when they found a suspicious bag. Within seconds they had cleared the area:

Oops someone just apparently didn't notice dropping their PURSE!

Snipers on the roof!

I had a strange fascination with the crazy amount of portapotties:

My fav uniform:

Bush leaving:

Huge thanks to K for letting me borrow these 2 photos. I decided to take videos of the actual parade/procession and borrow K's amazing photos.
BIDEN! (click to make the photo bigger)

Obama and family (click to make the photo bigger)
(Obama is on the left, his wife to the right, and the girls are riding backwards-Malia is waving on the left)


  1. How exciting! Just today I said I really want to go to an inauguration someday soon. It always feels like such an exciting and special day! :)

  2. This is so awesome!!! I'm jealous!

  3. Amazing! The internship also sounds really cool. How did you get it?

    1. I got it through a class I took in college. It was a class that met once a week but everyone in the class had an internship within the same area (criminology/pschology). I interned for the Fed*eral Prob*ation Department. I am happy to discuss more via email if you have any questions.


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