
Monday, February 24, 2014

Baby photos + Reagan Museum Visit

Quick weekend update with some very cute photos (I am biased of course but nothing cuter than a sleeping baby!). On Saturday afternoon I went over to my sister's to visit with my nephews. The baby was super sleepy and relaxed. He was smiling up at my dad and it was just so sweet!

He was OUT!

On Sunday my mom and I went to The Reagan Museum. Every day for the past two months I have driven by a billboard advertising the new Spy Exhibit (open through March 9 if you are local). I love all things spy so I knew I wanted to go. I finally found a day that worked and we went yesterday. The weather was perfect and I am already planning my next visit (they are doing a Mother's Day brunch that my mom would love to go to)
About to give a speech

I had actually never been to The Reagan Museum before so we went through the whole place, including going inside Air Force One. This Air Force One flew Reagan over 660,000 miles (26 foreign countries and 46 U.S. states).

Nancy Reagan was a very fashionable first lady!

The spy exhibit was fun but very crowded. The line to do the laser maze was too long-tons of kids! I always loved the Spy Museum in DC so it was great to get my spy fix here this time!


  1. That looks like a fun weekend! Baby #2 (nickname yet?) is so adorable!!

  2. The Reagan museum looks so cool! If I'm ever out in CA, that'll def be on my to-see list! Also, your sister's little guy is adorable!!

    1. It's a really great museum! A lot to see and the view is just amazing. Beautiful location!

  3. You went to the Regan center! Isn't is lovely? The view is amazing. And I got a little *too* into standing on that podium, lol!

    And, of course, the baby pictures are positively adorable.

    -- Alex at Cashmere Kangaroo

    1. The view is amazing. We had perfect weather! Next time I think I would get there earlier and then plan on having a picnic breakfast or lunch

  4. That baby! Soooo sweet! I think that exhibit sounds awesome. I love stuff like that.


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