
Monday, October 13, 2014

San Francisco Trip

Nautical by Nature | San Francisco Trip

The first weekend of October Leeann and I headed up north to San Francisco. Leeann actually won a free night at the Intercontinental Mark Hopkins! I think we picked the hottest weekend unfortunately. 90+ both days which is rare for San Francisco. But we still had a great time despite the heat. You can read Leeann's recap here.

Nautical by Nature | San Francisco Trip
Our fancy hotel
 After we checked into our hotel we took the cable car down to Mama's. The line was really really long. I don't think I've ever waited that long for food! Popular place.

After Mama's we took the bus up to Coit Tower. I've been up there but never inside the tower/to the top. On my last trip it was under repair. The views from the top are beautiful, especially on a clear day.

Nautical by Nature | San Francisco Trip

Nautical by Nature | San Francisco Trip

Nautical by Nature | San Francisco Trip

Nautical by Nature | San Francisco Trip

Nautical by Nature | San Francisco Trip
A little windy but it felt nice to have a breeze

After Coit Tower we headed back to the hotel to relax before dinner. For dinner we went up the top of our hotel, Top of the Mark. Windows provide a 360 degree view of San Francisco and the restaurant has a list of 100 martinis! We watched the sun set, so pretty.

Nautical by Nature | San Francisco Trip

Nautical by Nature | San Francisco Trip

The next morning we had a free breakfast at our hotel. The buffet was amazing. I think I went back for thirds ;) After breakfast we headed to see the Painted Ladies and Alamo Park.

Nautical by Nature | San Francisco Trip

Nautical by Nature | San Francisco Trip

Next we headed to The Ferry Building for lunch. I got a baguette and cheese from Cowgirl Creamery. Delicious!

Nautical by Nature | San Francisco Trip
On the cable car

We explored the area around our hotel before we checked out. Nob Hill is such a nice neighborhood!

Nautical by Nature | San Francisco Trip
Grace Cathedral (this is actually where my dad and stepmom got married!)

Nautical by Nature | San Francisco Trip
Great view of our hotel

Nautical by Nature | San Francisco Trip
So many pretty buildings

Nautical by Nature | San Francisco Trip
My stepmom lived right across the street from Grace Cathedral. This tree has gotten huge!


  1. I have heard that San Fran is such a great place to visit! Beautiful photos!


    1. It is! So much to see and do. Alcatraz is definitely my favorite touristy spot to visit there.

  2. Great pictures, I hope one day to visit San Fran.

    1. It's a fun city. Lots of nice places to walk around, especially by the water. The hills are brutal but that's when you ride the cable cars!

  3. Cowgirl Creamery! Good choice!:) Sorry we rolled out the once a year heatwave for you, but at least that meant good views. And I did read, before, where you said you'd already been to Delfina's. I forget why I couldn't comment - probably my phone - but I meant to say, good taste!

    1. I love Cowgirl Creamery and had wanted a grilled cheese. BUT the sandwich of the week was ricotta with a fruit jam and I am not a fan of ricotta. So I just went with a simple baguette and cheese that was like butter. Delicious!

  4. I love sf!! We've been twice in the past five years but haven't done anything you mentioned - sounds like we need to go back :)!

    1. And there's still so much I want to do too! This was just a very quick trip. I'm hoping to go back again soon

  5. I've never been up Coit Tower either. Did you have to walk? I can't believe your views. So pretty! I've never been on a cable car either. I guess I need to go back down there.

    1. We took a bus up to the area and then elevator to the top of the actual tower. I think you can do the stairs but I'm not sure about that.

      I think the California cable car line is much less crowded/busy than the Powell lines if you decide to ride one.


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