
Monday, December 15, 2014

Nautical holiday pajamas from Vineyard Vines

I have to admit that every time I think of holiday pajamas I think of that family and their "Christmas jammies" video ("in my Christmas jammies" gets stuck in my head!). Anyway I think holiday pajamas are a really fun tradition. I know that lots of families incorporate them into a Christmas eve or Christmas day tradition. I actually wear mine year round (see some of them here) because I love them so much. Here are holiday pajamas for the whole family!

Nautical holiday pajamas from Vineyard Vines

Nautical holiday pajamas from Vineyard Vines

Nautical holiday pajamas from Vineyard Vines

Nautical holiday pajamas from Vineyard Vines

Nautical holiday pajamas from Vineyard Vines

For the guys:
Nautical holiday pajamas from Vineyard Vines

For the kids:
Nautical holiday pajamas from Vineyard Vines

Nautical holiday pajamas from Vineyard Vines

Nautical holiday pajamas from Vineyard Vines

Nautical holiday pajamas from Vineyard Vines

Head on over to my Instragram and enter to win a SailorBags tote! All you have to do is follow my account (@nautical_kate) and SailorBags (@SailorBags_US). For more information on additional ways to enter head over here.


  1. Vineyard Vines has the cutest pajama prints!


    1. Agreed! You can't beat nautical + Christmas!

  2. I wrote about some of these last week too! They are adorable and I LOVE that they are called "lazy pants"

    Surf & Hydrangeas

  3. These are all so cute! The boys get matching PJs on Christmas eve, but I have yet to turn it into a family thing. Maybe when they're out of toddler sizes.


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