
Monday, June 29, 2015


It's time to insert every cliche about time. Time is flying by and there's never enough time would probably be most appropriate here! Between work and friends and getting ready for grad school I am constantly running around. It's a good busy but it does mean I haven't had as much time for blogging.

This past week H had camp at the zoo. He had the time of his life but the zoo is quite a drive for us. With wonderful LA traffic I really couldn't drive back to the house in between drop off and pick up. I got into a nice little routine of walking around Griffith Park after drop off and then running errands, having lunch, and exploring the zoo. But it meant I didn't get much laundry, cooking, or grocery shopping done. I did bring a cooler one day and I went to the grocery store right before pick up. But I thrive on routine and it was tough having my car as a home base all week. Plus it was really really hot over there! H loved zoo camp so much that it really did make it all worth it. On Friday my sister brought my nephews to the zoo.

This guy is so sweet! He will be 18 months in July!
Trail in Griffith Park, photo taken on one of my morning walks

Since this is likely my last summer with H I really wanted to make it special. We went on lots of adventures/outings his first week of summer break (Getty, Discovery Cube, zoo, parks), then he had zoo camp, and now we are doing another week of Kate and H outings. It has been so much fun making new memories and spending time one on one. I can't believe I will no longer be working full time starting in August (Netflix here I come!).

1 comment:

  1. Aww, I'm sure it's so bittersweet for you in every moment! It sounds like you're making the most of your summer though!


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