
Monday, October 5, 2015

Annapolis Wedding

Earlier this month I headed east for a friend's wedding. H was a year ahead of me in elementary school and then we reconnected working together at a summer camp. My camp name was Pink and her camp name was Ariel :) I had booked my flights before I started school, not knowing what my work load would be like. Fortunately I was able to finish all of my reading on the plane and then typed everything out once I got to my hotel (I have to do outlines every week-they are the WORST!). Back to the wedding...
I flew into Baltimore Friday and then headed to Annapolis to check into my hotel. Fresh, warm cookies at night and free breakfast in the morning equals a good stay at Country Inn and Suites. There was a mall nearby so that was nice too-I did some shopping Saturday morning. The wedding was Saturday afternoon. The ceremony was at a cute little church called St. Margaret's. We then took shuttles to the reception. The reception was at the Sherwood Forest Clubhouse. Gorgeous location! The photo below doesn't do it justice-the clubhouse has a barn feel and was just so cozy and pretty-the lights, the big windows, beautiful!

Loved this nautical touch

With the beautiful bride during the cocktail hour before dinner 

The most flattering selfie ;)

I flew home early Sunday morning so it wasn't a long visit but I am so happy I could celebrate with the bride and groom. Congratulations H and J!


  1. You were in my neck of the woods!! Sherwood Forest clubhouse is so beautiful. Such a great location for a wedding

    1. It was the perfect reception location. I loved the barn feel of the clubhouse. Charming area!

  2. Beautiful!! I am in Baltimore, so I am familiar with that location. Perfect space for a wedding.

    1. Isn't it? Really felt like we were in a forest!

  3. Using the row boat as a cooler is such a cute idea!


    1. I loved the idea and am totally stealing it!

  4. Such an awesome venue for a wedding reception! Glad you were able to jet off to make memories with your GFs!

  5. Sounds like an amazing time! You ladies look beautiful!

    xo Jen
    Skirt The Rules


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