
Monday, November 2, 2015

Life Lately

I can't believe it is NOVEMBER! The past month has been a blur of school, work, friends, and family. I celebrated my 29th birthday at Connie and Ted's and survived my first grad school midterms. Halloween day I saw Burnt and then attempted to do some school work before my friend stopped by with CANDY. I like waking up early on the weekend and doing school work then so I can  keep my nights free.

Birthday cake (there's an anchor on the front/side)

My birthday dinner at Connie and Ted's. I think it was still 90+ outside (will it ever cool down??)
I took this selfie to show my boss that I was using the bag she bought me for my birthday 

Happy birthday to my friend J. She had her party the weekend after mine (libras are the best!)

Baby Nautical got some nautical bedding for his big boy bed (quilt, sheets, and fish pillows are all Land of Nod)


  1. I loveee your cake- so cute! How was Burnt? I really want to see that when it comes out here.

    1. I liked it a lot-good cast and music, overall enjoyable. My dad did not like it as much but he had read some negative reviews. I love Bradley Cooper so it was worth it for that alone ;)

  2. Happy birthday! (Libras are the best;)).

  3. CONGRATS on grad school midterms!! XOXO


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