
Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas recap

I can't believe another Christmas is over! It's just crazy to think that next year we will have a BABY with us.

I had a great Christmas filled with my favorite traditions. On Christmas Eve my sister and I went to see Mission Impossible with my dad (we always see a movie on Christmas eve) and then had dinner with my other sister and brother in law at my dad and stepmom's. My stepmom made my favorite pasta (Barefoot Contessa Penne with 5 cheeses) and even chocolate souffles for dessert! Then we opened presents. I got this gorgeous hand blown vase and Alexis Bittar bracelet and earrings (can't wait to wear these on New Year's Eve!).

Christmas morning we had popover brunch at my mom's (with both my sisters and my brother in law). I opened presents from my mom and sisters including Serena & Lily "K" pillow, this laundry bag from Urban Outfitters (I do laundry at my mom's because it's free so this bag is perfect!), Jonathan Adler elephant bowl, Vineyard Vines Steelers tote, and a coffee table book on Martha's Vineyard. Best present: the Jonathan Adler anchor blanket I posted about!!!

Then I went back to my apartment and caught up on some TV. My sister came over for a bit to help me decorate/organize/move furniture.

The whole family (plus my grandma) and Amanda went over to my sister and brother in law's house for dinner. Delicious food plus I got to see the baby's nursery. It's just too cute! I can't wait to share photos when it is finished. I wore the Milly dress I bought on black Friday. My brother in law took photos on his camera but they are off on their babymoon today so I don't have those photos yet. Phone photo:

(my mom, sister, pregnant sister, me)

With Amanda (she took this photo using a cool app on her iphone)


  1. Sounds like a busy but wonderful holiday weekend! That vase is just lovely.

  2. That all sounds great! Looks like you got a lot of nice things, too! :)

  3. I love the Milly dress. Amazing prezzies!! Especially the blanket.
    Merry Christmas xo

  4. Sounds like your holiday was full of wishes for 2012! xx

  5. Wow! Sounds like you had a great Christmas :)

  6. I love your white dress- so pretty on you!

    Merry merry,


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