Monday, December 22, 2008

Gossip Girl Monday!

Let's start off with this sad but oh so romantic Chuck and Blair scene:

Here are some Gossip Girl inspired pieces to get us through another week without a new episode.
I've posted before about In God We Trust. Very Gossip Girl-esque:
Bow Cuff Bracelet

Bow Necklace

And continuing with the bow theme, we have Rachel Leigh bow earrings:

For those of you who loved the Bill Blass top that Blair wore (see THIS post) then head over to today's Gilt Groupe sale! Bill Blass is the featured designer. For an invitation: go here


  1. I left you a little sweet somethin' somethin' on my blog! Go check it out!!

  2. I LOVED that scene. I don't know how I will survive until Jan. 4th!!

  3. I love the ribbon necklace - how cutE!

  4. I think I am the only girl out there who is just skeeved by Chuck. I even think the guy who plays him is creepy!

    I don't know - he just seems to have "snake eyes" and my mother always said "you can tell a lot about a person by their eyes."

    Love the bows, though!


  5. I love the braclet and the necklace and the earings! Cute stuff!

  6. Yay! I love gossip girl Monday!! :)

  7. Ooo I need to send that bow cuff bracelet to Santa... Great post! It has been so tempting this season, with all the insane sales, not to shop for myself!

  8. I love bows. I started to watch Gossip Girl on TV last week. I'm a new Gossip girl addict.

  9. I look forward to Mondays on your blog!

  10. Gah, I so miss Gossip Girl. Love that clip!

  11. I'm a little embarassed to admit I JUST started watching Gossip Girl...this evening! I've watched the first disk of the first season...and now I'm just waiting on on Netflix!

    I LOVE the bows! Especially the earrings! I think I used to have a similar pair when I was in middle school; I wish I could find them now!

  12. We love the bow cuff bracelet!


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